A Personal Introduction to Dare To Share

101 Things You Might Not Have Heard In Church

After twenty years in the pulpit ministry, people often had questions to ask. That was usually fine with me. In 2018 at a dinner party with friends on Amherst Island near Kingston, Ontario, I was asked what I thought of the local preacher. Luckily, I could answer that he very rarely said anything I didn’t agree with.   My friend persisted, asking me what I would do, as a minister, that was different.

I told him that one of the first thing I did when I came to a new place was to offer a course where people could ask and prod, a course something like ‘101 Things You Might Not Have Heard In Church.’ He said, rather excitedly, that if there was a book with that title, he’d certainly buy a copy. So, I wrote it.

Needless to say, most of the 101 parts are only the beginnings of topics that could use volumes on their own. These are designed to be ‘starters’, not the last word.

Enjoy, and think. Ask more questions.
