One of the most ancient and true statements about humans is that it is not good for us to be alone. (Genesis) We might ‘believe’ on our own and can certainly exist in near isolation, but we grow only with others. No matter the ‘field’ of our lives, without others, we become stagnant. That’s OK, if we choose it to be. Let’s face it, in many areas we want to just stay as we are. When we want to grow, however, we must place ourselves amidst others. There’s no other way.
I have this crazy understanding that only that which is ‘of love’, leaves this existence and goes somewhere else. In the end, nothing else really matters. I know that we can grow in Love as truly as we are able to grow in many other ways. But rarely do we seek to do so. If we want to learn about and to grow in the area ofcomputers, for instance, we take classes and/or spend time with the appropriate people. If we want to grow in love, we can make choices as well.
I choose to do so. Therefore, I need to spend time with others in real sharing, meditation, questioning, tears and laughter. This is what ‘worship’ should be, but usually isn’t. Attending church services just makes me sad and/or angry. To follow Jesus’ path, I need much more, to be able to risk, listen, share, and dare with others.
Sometime this fall, I’m going to announce a weekly time for gathering. It will be at our house at 118 Ford St, Kingston, but will also be on-line. I’ll get a song-book into everyone’s hands. We’ll sing, share, question, pray, laugh and cry. In fact, when I put this blog out on emails, I’ll attach the e-version of the song book.
If you’re thinking at all about this, let me know and I’ll send you a song-book.
If you aren’t in a spiritual community, consider doing something about it. Even a few people, meeting regularly to share on all levels, is something needed for growth that counts. This life is our chance to make a difference, forever. It’s more important that we can imagine.
Anthony, just trying to get the most out of every day.