July 1, 2023

We think we’re so smart. Look at our A.I. and the buildings that we live in. All that information at our fingertips on the internet. All true. But look at how stupid we are when it comes to sexuality, the most basic aspect of our humanity. We couldn’t be more screwed up.

In many pre-colonial cultures, sexuality was a fluid and non-binary fact. A ‘field’ that was natural and accepted as being as individual and varied as were other aspects of being alive. Compare that with our current situation. It is approved to dress in the most sexually provocative way, yet illegal if any dare comment on it or verbalize anything sexual.

Never have more youth killed themselves due to sexual frustration, fear and anxiety. Some of us delight in trying to identify even more specific sexual differences, yet others insist on the lie of there being only two Divine opposite and non-connecting poles. Most of us just keep quiet, knowing our sexuality is as personal and different than are the moles on our backs, but afraid to do or ask. For our society as a whole, what should be a source of joy, giving and taking, has become a black hole of negativity and fear.

Just imagine what humanity could do if the energy and time we spend on worrying about sexuality, was given to other things. Wouldn’t it be great to be part of that culture, one not founded by the assumption that sex was evil, outside of procreation?

We think we’re so smart. Give me a break! If I could go back in time and kill one person, it would be Tertullian, the great Christian theologian who was most successful in spreading his sexual problems and perversions to Christianity, in the early 200’s. He has done more harm to humanity than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Gladly, we can undo it, but it’s so much a part of our culture, it will be hard. Just look at the courts. Just listen to the Fundamentalist preachers. Just look at the sex-based hate crimes. We’re screwed, figuratively and really.

Yesterday, Canada’s ‘Sex Lady’, Sue Johanson died at 93. Remember her Sex Show on TV and radio back in the 80’s and 90’s? She alone had the nerve to give real advice to real people. Eventually ‘forces-that-be’ closed the show. It wouldn’t be allowed today. Too much pressure from the Christian Right. And we think we’re so free.


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