June 17, 2023
I noticed an advertisement for a theological college a while back showing a group of students, deeply emersed in worship. They varied in ages and races and in different states of religious ‘involvement’. Some had eyes opened, gazing skyward, others with bowed heads. Some with arms raised, others not. The picture could have been seen as a positive, unless the whole idea of ‘worship’ was questioned. When and where did Jesus say he wanted to be worshipped? Wasn’t his main question always that of discipleship, of choosing to follow his Way?
As a person, he could well ask others to follow. If he had done such-and-such, so could they. So can we. But we’ve made a God out of him, and who dares to even try to follow a God? We certainly can’t begin to do what a God did. So, we worship. And it’s so much easier than taking what Jesus did, seriously. We ‘believe’ in him and in what he did. We don’t have to do it ourselves. It’s gotten so we judge others and ourselves by our worship. What’s the worship like in your church? As If it’s the most important spiritual thing there is.
How did we get to this point? Why is the automatic first invitation of Christians to ask others to come to worship? Did Jesus ever ask this? For most people, Christianity is as small as their worship. It’s what they believe.
That’s what we’ve been taught, that we are ‘saved’ by what we believe, and while it may be ‘nice’ if we take what Jesus did, seriously, it’s not really that important. Let’s leave that to the professionals among us who work in the various ‘help agencies’ that we Christians sponsor. And get on with the important stuff of worship. How sad and tragic.
Just imagine the difference Christians could make to the world if only ten percent more of them started to take discipleship more seriously than worship. Not only would it give more hope to the world, but people might also have some reason to give churches some consideration, being places where ‘the Word becomes Flesh.’ It would be a wonderful change, at any rate.
It isn’t probable, I know, but certainly possible.
Anthony, still hoping and prodding