171 Jan. 11, ’24         

              You might be tired of hearing about my new book, The Unspoken Cause of Auschwitz, and how it’s free on Amazon on Feb. 6. I do hope you’ll get a copy and give me a review. Doing the marketing for this has forced me to become clearer about some things. The first step in any campaign is to identify your target audience.

              That was a challenge, as, of course, I think that everyone will naturally be interested in what I’m interested in, even though I know that’s not true. What is my Target? I guess it has to be people who are most like me, who have had similar experiences. Who else?  Where have I been and what have I done? What questions have occupied my mind and dictated my path?

              Foremost, I have always questioned the ‘big picture’, asking questions about the ‘More’ and our relationship with creation. I was raised within traditional churches, became much more deeply involved than the ‘usual’ person for my whole life. Being slow of wit and stubborn of nature, only gradually seeing the great disparity between what was done in churches and what was said; very gradually seeing the clear differences between the teachings and actions of Jesus of Nazareth and Christianity. Eventually, coming to understand how Christianity has probably been a major detriment to the world, and is actually keeping people from understanding and growing in love. I guess my target audience are people who have experienced this path in some way.

              But there is more. I hope to contact people who have not given up on growing in love. I know that to grow in love, I need others with which to share, cry, laugh and live. We are all ‘spiritual’ beings. To deny this is a cosmic shame. To allow the failure of one tradition or group of people to shut any of us down in growth is the ultimate stupidity and tragedy.  What each of us, and the whole world, need now, more than ever, are people who are sharing and questioning on the deepest of levels. If we take the common advice and never talk about religion and politics, we are doomed in every conceivable way. And deserve what-ever fate awaits us in our self-chosen ignorance and isolation.

              I obviously need others. But I’m not that outgoing. I want to share my questions and experience with others. I want others to do it back to me, so we can all learn. We are each a grain of sand, but more important than we can imagine.

              Are you within my target? If so, do you know others who might be? We will all learn more, as more of us touch each other. Would you forward this blog to others? Not to just sell more of my books, but to start more questioning and learning, from each other. We’ve traditionally been kept so small, by churches and by the forces of our culture. Why waste another day and try to explore what’s inside and around us?

              Thanks so much for your precious time, and it is precious. Let’s use it well.


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