153 November 15, 2023
As I’m beginning to share my last two books with people, something that I’ve rarely done with my first books, I’m noticing that it’s usually impossible to predict people’s reaction, unless I’ve talked with them before concerning similar topics. It’s natural that I would hope and even expect people who are close to me, to share my opinions and dreams. Not so. It’s increasingly apparent that love and attachments do not mean we think alike. In fact, accepting and supporting people in their dreams, even if unshared or/and not understood, is proof of love and acceptance. This awareness was brought into sharp relief just yesterday when a dearly loved person asked me what I was doing this for. We were on such different ‘wave lengths’, that I didn’t know how to respond. But I love her all the more for being so honest, especially when not being understood.
Perhaps we’re just born with different ‘wiring’ in our brains. Some of us concentrate on family and personal stuff; others on events and some on larger ‘umbrella-type’ subjects. We aren’t the same. Yet, we assume that we are. And automatically think that those who aren’t ‘with us’, are somehow against us. Wrong again. We’re just different. Didn’t Jesus say something about that? Wouldn’t life be a bore if we were alike? Unless, of course, you were all like me. Then it would be perfect! Riiight.
So here we are in this changing, imperfect world, so similar, yet so different. Becoming more isolated in this modern world, what a challenge it is to allow our commonality to keep us communicating and sharing, even when our differences seem to become more separating. If we don’t learn to trust, risk and share more, I know we’re doomed.
These two books will be a test for me and those around me. They lay bare facts of history and tradition that have and still are, causing death and destruction, yet are so acceptable and unchallenged. Honesty and openness is supposed to bring us new life and hope. I’m betting that it is true. I’m also betting that the power of love and life will come to me from many friends and those unknown yet to me. I know that this undertaking is the most important thing I have done in my long life. I could not be doing anything else. I am responsible for these, in that I am able to respond. Given my background, I know these things to be true. To not do so is to betray and lay-to-waste all that has gone before.
The launch of these two books, Bread Versus the Sword: How the Inherent Schism Within Threatens Our World and The Unspoken Cause of Auschwitz is in two more weeks, yet they are now available on Amazon. This will be a very interesting winter, finding out new things about how brains are wired and the deep opinions and dreams of those around me. What a life!
How wonderful it is to have you all to share this with, whether or not you understand or even agree. Just writing this bolsters my nerve and brings clarity. Thank you.
Thanks again for being there. Anthony–