164 Dec. 17 9:51 What A Morning!

Just awoke, trying to remember old words. Realized they didn’t matter. They were gone. New ones already there, bubbling up, needing to get out. Get out of bed! Don’t waste this ‘what-ever-it-is’. It feels too fun to miss. Who knows? Anything? I’m laughing. What’s happening? No pot involved. What is this sudden urge? Unexpected. New. […]

159 Dec. 4 2023 The God of Bread or the God of the Sword – Which?

159 Dec. 4 The God of Bread or the God of the Sword – Which?We’re a complicated and inconsistent bunch. We want to be coddled and taken care of, yet we yearnfor freedom and independence. We seek to control others even though we take offence when others do thesame. Instinctively, we try to make God, […]

The Unspoken Cause of Auschwitz (a three minute condensation of my book)

Why have Christians been killing Jews for nearly 1800 years? Theanswer is in many of our homes, in a book that may be dusty and rarelyopened, or well thumbed. Churchgoers may hear it weekly. The causeclearly lies in the gospels of the New Testament. This knowledge and opinion is nothing new. Long ago in myseminary […]

165 Dec. 17 Noonish Thoughts on this Monday (edited and sent the next day)

This will probably be the second part of a 2-4-1, connected with what happened this morning. I wrote that earlier part pretty well as it happened, just correcting it a bit for clarification, for me as well as for others. I needed a while to mull it over. My first words are most important. I […]

165 Dec. 17 Thoughts on This Monday

165 Dec. 17, noonish Thoughts on This Morning (edited and sent the next day) This will probably be the second part of a 2-4-1, connected with what happened this morning. I wrote that earlier part pretty well as it happened, just correcting it a bit for clarification, for me as well as for others. I […]

The Trials of Shared Living

147                      The Trials of Shared Living               I’m often asked how we five people are getting along in our shared home. It’s not all a bed of roses, but this story tells a lot.               Yesterday evening, Oct. 9, unusually, only Steven and I were sharing the evening meal. I had done chicken drum-sticks on […]

158 Dec. 3 2023 A Matter of Perspective: You Choose

Anthony Gifford Sun, 3 Dec, 09:45 (3 days ago) to bcc: me 158   Dec. 3, ’23     A Matter of Perspective: You Choose               There are two lenses through which we view our existence. We are either worms or potential giants. In most of our experiences we are treated as the former. We are cogs in a […]

159 Dec. 4 The God of Bread or the God of Sword – Which?

Anthony Gifford Tue, 5 Dec, 10:22 (1 day ago) to bcc: me 159  Dec. 4     The God of Bread or  the God of the Sword –  Which?               We’re a complicated and inconsistent bunch. We want to be coddled and taken care of, yet we yearn for freedom and independence. We seek to control others even though […]