The Inherent Schism Within Christianity and HowIt Threatens Our World
From the beginning of the Jesus Movement, there have been two opposite ideas about God. Jesus knew the Creating God as Abba, ‘Little Daddy or Mommy’, a friendly presence, unthreatening and loving, supportive and faithful not coercive nor controlling. A God of Bread, sustaining and ever-present. Most believers since, prefer a God of might and power, one who controls all things and demands perfection and correct worship: a God of the Sword. Most Christians try to live with the illusion that you can have both.
What we know as ‘Christianity’ is/was the results of when Emperor Constantine adapted and adopted the Early Church as his own, in the early 300’s, to unify and control his swiftly disintegrating Roman Empire. Since then, Jesus’ God of Bread, Abba, has been largely neglected. The Sword has reigned. That is clear in much of today’s Christian world, where the ‘righteous Right’ are increasingly trying to impose their ‘correctness’ on other. This theological issue is more than an in-church debate. It is affecting liberties and freedoms, millions of lives and politics from the local to the international. But rarely do you hear this mentioned out-right.
To remain uniformed about this is an unnecessary handicap in this critical time. This book provides the background to help us ask the needed questions, whether we are religious or not.
Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.