Just awoke, trying to remember old words. Realized they didn’t matter. They were gone. New ones already there, bubbling up, needing to get out.

Get out of bed! Don’t waste this ‘what-ever-it-is’. It feels too fun to miss.

Who knows? Anything? I’m laughing. What’s happening? No pot involved.

What is this sudden urge? Unexpected. New. To just put down words. Marks on paper that mean things. That form beauty? Maybe connected? Or not. Seems like Holy work.

I’m used to music, to song. Words married to tune. This is so different. Free. Somehow making me at one with musings from long ago caves, tents, huts and castles. Just thoughts, seeking to marry meaning and beauty, in the least space. Wow! Never would have thought something like this, and almost 82.

All this time, wed, chained, to the wonderful gift of song. Blessed. But still chained.

Why now? What just happened? Time? Something I ate? Or didn’t? Who cares? Not me.

Me. Imagine that. A new piece of me. What a surprise.

Where will it take me? On what path? Isn’t life great? So much to learn. And share.

God, is this a new voice of you? Prodding an unused piece of me? Doesn’t matter. It’s been heard, and enjoyed. Amazing! My life is larger. So is he world. And the universe.

Judy and Pru are in the front room having coffee. Had to share it with them. With anyone. Not that they could understand. When I don’t. Understanding is highly over-rated. Only got halfway through. Too choked up. Too soon. Maybe later. Assuredly so. Hope you’ll understand.

God. You’re here! Like always. But now I know it. And I had the day so carefully planned. You’ve changed it. Taken it. Given it. Don’t know what I’ll do. Just wait and see, I guess. Thanks? Sometimes I wish I was just ……. , that you’d leave me alone. But just sometimes.

I’ve got to share this now before I have second thoughts.


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