150 (Oct. 22, 2023) Grandma’s Universal Secret to Survival

              There’s a story in today’s paper about an Israeli grandmother who’s being hailed as a hero for fooling the Hamas invaders long enough that the army could to arrive and kill them.               She had gone to the shelter with others in her small town but went back to her home for something. Upon […]

139. Thanks for being here, to share

It’s taken me along time to get here, over eighty-one years, to be precise. Sometimes it just takes a while before we smarten up. What’s the big lesson I’ve learned? It’s nothing new. In fact it’s one of the oldest truths we’ve heard: that if we value something and really want to get the most […]

137. I need You in order to become ‘Me’.

One of the most ancient and true statements about humans is that it is not good for us to be alone. (Genesis) We might ‘believe’ on our own and can certainly exist in near isolation, but we grow only with others. No matter the ‘field’ of our lives, without others, we become stagnant. That’s OK, […]

138. The Dangers of Good Memories

Judy and I were sitting on the front porch of her sister, Joan Simpson’s, farmhouse on Amherst Island, house sitting while she and husband Dan took a few days vacation. It’s a great day for sailing and we’re watching boats tack up and down the channel. We couldn’t help but remember our many years of […]

136. An Old-Fashioned Love Story?

As a senior, I’m well awareof how we are marginalized by most of our youth-fixated culture. When I heard mention of an article about a Golden-aged Bachelor TV series, I cheered – until I saw a picture of the ‘typical’ 71 year-old bachelor. The accompanying article about seniors was quite good, actually. It ignored the […]

135. Boney Fingers

I know it’s good to encourage each other, especially our children, but sometimes I get tired of hearing all the well-meaning advice from ‘champions’ and experts of all sorts who assure the kids that they can all be champs too, if they only work hard enough. ‘Just keep at it, with all your heart, and […]

141. Ready To Dance

Ready to Dance Most Tuesday evenings will find Judy and I at the nearby Legion, attending a great ‘Open-Mic’ where around thirty people expose themselves by singing and playing for those gathered. About seventy people usually attend. There’s a large dance floor so many folks come just for that. I love to go just to […]

140. Dreaming Of Me

Dreaming Of Me Hello, Me Between 5:00 AM and getting up is my most productive time when it comes to ‘dreams’ and such. A few days ago, I didn’t ‘get up’ until nearly 9:00, and was rewarded with a very quick but meaningful encounter with myself as a sixteen-year-old. I was walking along and suddenly, […]

129. Humanities Great Deficits,Sexuality

Humanities Great Deficits,Sexuality ‘Modern’ Humanity’s Great Deficit We think we’re so smart. Look at our A.I. and the buildings that we live in. All that information at our fingertips on the internet. All true. But look at how stupid we are when it comes to sexuality, the most basic aspect of our humanity. We couldn’t […]