A Miracle on Ford Street
160 Dec. 12, ’23 I’ve got to finish this and get it out. Before I change my mind. Again. I claim to be honest and sharing, yet I find it so easy to hide my deepest experiences and emotions. “I’m not a hypocrite,” I tell myself, “I’m just being careful. They probably wouldn’t understand.” […]
A Message To Churches from the Street
163 Dec. 16 On most Friday mornings from 11:30 to 12:30, you can find me at the corner of Wellington and Princess Streets here in Kingston, demonstrating with other members of the local chapter of ‘350’, one of the oldest international organizations, acting against Climate Change. In that hour I usually have about […]
What A Morning!
164 Dec. 17 9:51 Just awoke, trying to remember old words. Realized they didn’t matter. They were gone. But new ones were already there, bubbling up, wanting to get out. Get out of bed! Don’t waste this ‘what-ever-it-is’. It feels too […]
Thoughts on this Morning (edited and sent the next day)
165 Dec. 17, noonish This will probably be the second part of a 2-4-1, connected with what happened this morning. I wrote that earlier part pretty well as it happened, just correcting it a bit for clarification, for me as well as for others. I needed a while to mull it over. My […]
The Unspoken Cause of Auschwitz
Book Description Why have Christians been killing Jews for nearly 1800 years? Theanswer is in many of our homes, in a book that may be dusty and rarelyopened, or well thumbed. Churchgoers may hear it weekly. The causeclearly lies in the gospels of the New Testament. This knowledge and opinion is nothing new. Long ago […]
Dare To Share give-away
166 Dec. 22, 2023 Five years ago when Judy and I were contemplating starting up a shared home, I tried to find material on the subject. Finding very little that was helpful, I wrote my own book, called Dare To Share. Of course, I had a couple hundred copies run off for myself, most of […]
Hopefully, the worst day of the year.
166 Dec. 24, Let me explain. I think I’ve been to eighty-one Christmas Sunday worship services. And was thinking of attending one this morning. Within walking distance there are Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Roman Catholic and United Churches. I’ve been to all of them since we’ve moved here, four years ago. I know what will […]
Merry Christmas!
169 Dec. 25, ’23 It’s so good to be here, sharing my life with you. It makes me so much more than I would be if alone. Thanks for being here in the busy time. I made it through my existential theological ruminating, surviving enough to get to the good part of Christmas, the Presents. […]
Happy New Year?
170 Jan 3 I can’t recall facing a new year with more hope and yet, more trepidation. 2023 has introduced even more fears into our lives and few have lessened. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine looks to be permanent, now that international support is fading. There seems to be no doubt that the violence in […]
My Target Audience
171 Jan. 11, ’24 You might be tired of hearing about my new book, The Unspoken Cause of Auschwitz, and how it’s free on Amazon on Feb. 6. I do hope you’ll get a copy and give me a review. Doing the marketing for this has forced me to become clearer about some things. The first […]