Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!
July 5, 2023 When I was out front in our Yarden, (the whole lot is growing food for us or other critters), a Jehovah Witness fellow came by with the usual invitation and handout. Steve, a housemate, was there and we got talking about JW’s and such. I told him of their sorry state, of […]
Hello, Me
July 16, 2023 Between 5:00 AM and getting up is my most productive time when it comes to ‘dreams’ and such. A few days ago, I didn’t ‘get up’ until nearly 9:00, and was rewarded with a very quick but meaningful encounter with myself as a sixteen-year-old. I was walking along and suddenly, there I […]
Ready to Dance
July 19, 2023 Most Tuesday evenings will find Judy and I at the nearby Legion, attending a great ‘Open-Mic’ where around thirty people expose themselves by singing and playing for those gathered. About seventy people usually attend. There’s a large dance floor so many folks come just for that. I love to go just to […]
Ready to Dance
July 19, 2023 Most Tuesday evenings will find Judy and I at the nearby Legion, attending a great ‘Open-Mic’ where around thirty people expose themselves by singing and playing for those gathered. About seventy people usually attend. There’s a large dance floor so many folks come just for that. I love to go just to […]
Need to get back to the Basics
July 27, 2023 Democracies are based on the idea of sharing, of a certain degree of fairness. There is an agreed-upon minimality, where those better-off will enable and help the less fortunate. Any rational observer can see that our society and many other democracies are starting to unravel. The growing disparity between the rich and […]
Boney Fingers
July 31, 2023 I know it’s good to encourage each other, especially our children, but sometimes I get tired of hearing all the well-meaning advice from ‘champions’ of all sorts who assure the kids that they can all be champs too, if they only work hard enough. ‘Just keep at it, with all your heart, […]
When Jesus Comes
August 6, 2023 Judy and I have been sitting outside in the wonderful morning, shaded by our apple tree. I had my coffee and Saduko, Judy with her coffee and book. I was gathering courage to face the hassles of working on my website and putting my new book on Amazon. The day is filled. […]
I’m in the Middle of a Time of Frustration
August 17, 2023 I’m in the middle of a time of frustration caused by the tech challenges of getting a new website up and running and getting two new books published and printed. I’ve had little energy left for anything else. I’d like to share with you what will be the first blog on my […]
A “Burning World” Rant of Hope
August 20, 2023 It’s Sunday, August 20, 2023. I wonder how many prayers there are from churches, directed toward Yellow Knife, Kelowna, Maui. Asking God to ‘be with them’ and/or our leaders. Those ‘in prayer’ will feel that they’ve done their part, that God will do the heavy lifting. What ignorance! That is, how can […]
Loneliness, the Main Cause of Mental Illness
September 21, 2023 Yesterday’s (September 20) CBC News had a lengthy section on a study that showed how the mental stress of our youth (ten to thirteen) has risen over the last few years. Nearly a third more need treatment and hospitalization. A dramatic increase in the possibility of self-harm. The body of the report […]