160 Dec. 8, ’23
If you’ve followed my stuff, you know how I challenge tradition. I guess that’s my traditional way to find the truth. For all tradition was founded by truth. It may have not been an historical fact, but a Truth, never-the-less. Take our Christmas traditions. Are they based upon historical facts? Probably not. But does it matter? Not if we take the time to search for and find the truths, they are telling us. Sadly, this is rarely the case. It would take real questioning for that to happen, and one well established Christian tradition is that we not question tradition.
Whether or not there were angels singing to shepherds, a star for some ‘wise men’ to follow, or even if there was a half man/god born in a manger, makes no difference, if we understand the Truth that is trying to be understood within all these ancient stories: There is a Truth/God/More in the universe, and we are intricately connected, and it us up to us to search for, find, and utilize this ‘connection’. But, to do so is unusual.
Our lives get in the way. Most of us must be hit by some ‘hammer’ before we smarten up and see or hear the obvious. We rarely see the ‘holy’ in a new-born, in the stars, in singing. Family, economics, habit, tradition and time, all get in the way. But the Truth is always there, available to all, from the lowest (shepherds) to the most educated (Magi).
The truth is simple and earth shaking. It changes lives, sets us on new courses and makes all else secondary. It is God-on-Earth, or One-with-everything. But the Truth doesn’t even have a name. Jesus had no name for it and we shouldn’t either. Any movement that tries to name it (Christianity?) has missed much of ‘the boat’, has made it smaller and exclusive.
I love Christmas. I also hate it. I cringe when singing many of the carols, especially when it’s about how the Christ Child came to save us from our sins and the sin of the world. Making Jesus into something like that is abhorrent, but very traditional. So, I try to remind myself of the over-all truths in the stories, however sad I am about the many who seem to worship the traditions more than the truths they tried to share.
It’s fortunate that part of the Christmas traditions are parties with lots of booze. I’ll need it.
Try to have a challenging and truthful Advent and Christmas.
Anthony, just trying to keep to the simple truths, what with my most limited and aged mind.–