150 Oct 22, 2023

There’s a story in today’s paper about an Israeli grandmother who’s being hailed as a hero for fooling the Hamas invaders long enough that the army could to arrive and kill them.

She had gone to the shelter with others in her small town but went back to her home for something. Upon arriving, she found her house occupied by young Hamas, who were planning to kill any they met. Before they could react, (They were as surprised as was she.) she offered to make them some tea. One knocked her to the floor with the butt of his gun, but she responded by calmly offering them some food, along with the tea. They accepted.

During the next few hours, they began to share stories and even sang songs to each other, she in Arabic and they in Hebrew. Several of the young men remarked how she reminded them of their mothers or grandmothers. She responded in kind.

When the army inevitably arrived, the Hamas went outside to fight to their death, not wishing her to come to any harm.

While the story is being touted as a trick and deception, a way to survive until the evil can be killed, it tells a much greater truth: The only way to our survival is to treat each other like family. Really. This dream of peace is not just an illusion for hippies or those out of touch with reality. It is the only reality that works in the long run. Those who assume that violence will solve our problems are the ones who are delusional.

The violent and hate-filled training of those young Hamas were overcome by someone who was vulnerable and showed them respect and love, who did her best to meet their needs, who they could identify with. We need to be reminded that this is indeed what we all simply must do, no matter if we live in an active war zone or not. With our increasing efficiency to kill, we have no viable option than to learn to make peace.

Sadly, that means to share and to give away power. Not all at once, of course, but in clear steps that prove intent and honesty. To combat the spiral of hatred and fear that is in operation, this path takes more thoughtfulness and courage than to merely drop a bomb or pull a trigger. In our interconnected world, it will take people of all sorts to share the goal. There can be no ‘sides’ in this understanding, only the recognition that we are all together in this enterprise called life. We are talking about nothing less. Anything less leads to destruction. Our modern world simply cannot be sustained unless we smarten up, as did that grandmother, and start to listen to each other, feed each other and make sure we all have what we need.

The good news is, this is possible. There is plenty for us all, but not enough for some to have many times their share, or to keep traditions that perpetuate unfairness, fear and hatred.

Why not do this? What’s more important to you, and your children’s children?




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