September 21, 2023
Yesterday’s (September 20) CBC News had a lengthy section on a study that showed how the mental stress of our youth (ten to thirteen) has risen over the last few years. Nearly a third more need treatment and hospitalization. A dramatic increase in the possibility of self-harm. The body of the report dwelt on the need for more ‘services’ and professional resources to deal with the problem. Typically, ‘band-aid’ solutions were sought out before looking at the sources of the problem.
The most foundational realization about us mortals is that it is not good for us to be alone. We are designed to interact with others. That’s how we find out who we are. This is how we learn. Solitary confinement is the worst form of punishment.
I’m sure that there are none among us who do not recognize the fact that in our ‘modern’ culture, despite and because of all our electronics, we are more isolated than ever before, probably the least truly ‘connected’ people in history. Having 1111 ‘friends’ on-line can’t compare to having three true buddies. Three years of Covid has made a bad situation intolerable for many. How can we be surprised?
Our youth are the ‘canneries-in-the-coal-mine’, showing all of us how distant, suspicious, and combative we’re coming to be. Dis-ease. Look at our politics. Our economics. Our seeming inability to unite against the climate crisis that is so obvious. Our most vulnerable, our youth, are paying the price for how we have become.
So let’s hire more professionals to do the job. That’s the way we solve our problems. And reign in those terrible schools that allow and encourage kids to express themselves as they wish. How about trying to actually talk to each other, eye-to-eye? Parents, how about YOU being more honest and sharing with each other, inviting your youth to do the same, trusting them more but limiting on-line stuff, replacing it with real communication and sharing?
I’ve more questions than answers but know that I’m not going to figure this out by myself. Only with my friends. Ones I can really talk to, and hug and cry with.
Anthony, still just a kid, needing others more than ever.